2019 IFBB Pro League Optimum Classic Women’s Physique Champion Delane Hart Posing Routine Video May 28, 2019Featured Videos, Features, IFBB Pro League, Videos, Women's Physique SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest 2019 IFBB Optimum Classic Championships Pro Women’s Physique Champion Delane Hart Posing Routine
July 1, 2012Physique 2.0 Training Series: Unique Shoulder ExercisesOne of the keys to any eye-catching physique is an impressive shoulder-to-waist ratio. Not everyone is blessed with a 28-inch …
February 15, 2013NPC November 2012 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Men’s & Women’s BodybuildingBrian Yersky and Juanita Blaino have been named the NPC Athletes of the Month in Men’s and Women’s Bodybuilding for …
September 19, 20152015 IFBB Olympia MEN’S PHYSIQUE WINNER INTERVIEWS2015 IFBB Olympia MEN’S PHYSIQUE WINNER INTERVIEWS Click here to see the galleries! [youtube video=y8RqkODUVpA] [youtube video=c1yMRkSr_x0]
April 5, 2013Bikini University: Fat Burning Shoulder CircuitTrainer Shannon Dey and NPC Bikini competitor Meranda Maley demonstrate a shoulder circuit designed to build muscle and burn fat. …